Thursday, October 27, 2011

ENVATO Themeforest Author Quiz Answers

Hey i made this blog post to make your ENVATO Themeforest Author Quiz life easy :P All below mentioned answeres are 100% right, If you find any difficulty just comment on this page i will come back for your rescue :))

Q: Your file must work properly in which browsers?
A: All major browsers

Q: Who is responsible for testing files to make sure there are no errors?
A: The author

Q: What will happen if your submission does not validate (excluding browser-specific CSS)?
A: It will be rejected
Q: What will happen if your submission does not include documentation?
A: The item will be rejected

Q: Who decides how files are priced?
A: The ThemeForest staff

Q: What should you do if another author has copied one of your files?
A: Contact Envato support

Q: Which of the following would be an appropriate file title?
A: CoPilot - WordPress and Tumblog Theme
Q: Who is responsible for copyright violations in submitted files?
A: The author
Q: If you'd like to use an asset within your file that someone else created and you're unsure whether you're allowed to, what should you do?
A: Ask a lawyer or the asset's license holder

Q: What is most likely to happen if your file is visually unappealing?
A: It will get rejected

Below is the screenshot proof

ENVATO Themeforest Author Quiz Passed Proof